Best Pc Attorney Software


In general, people spend way too much time worrying about which computer to buy. You can run a law practice just fine on a $400 Dell desktop (but you shouldn’t). You don’t need to waste time and brainpower obsessively comparing specs or agonizing over whether to get a Mac or PC. You can just get something from Microsoft or Apple and it will do the job. (Lenovo and Dell are also good choices.) Not satisfied? Okay, here are a few things you could think about if you want to put more work than strictly necessary into buying a computer. Mac or Windows?

Best Pc Attorney Software

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It doesn’t matter. If you need to validate your decision to use one over the other, you’ll find plenty of proponents of both systems. But the bottom line is that you can practice law just fine on either. Use what you like. However, it’s worth debunking a couple of common misconceptions.

First misconception: price. If you want a cheap computer, there are plenty of Windows hardware manufacturers that will be happy to sell you one. While Apple does not sell cheap computers, you should not buy a cheap Windows computer. Good-quality Windows PCs are usually priced in the same range as an equivalent Mac. Second misconception: performance.

People often switch to Mac because they are unhappy with their cheap Windows PCs. But if you buy good-quality Windows PCs, they won’t feel any slower than an equivalent Mac. In short, you shouldn’t buy cheap computers. I’ll give you a ballpark budget below, but the point is that good computers aren’t cheap, and you should buy good computers. Third misconception: compatibility. The days of worrying about incompatible software and hardware are mostly over, as well. Works perfectly well on both, and since a lot of the software you use is almost certainly in the cloud, you can use it on anything with a web browser. Aerosoft Mega Airport Lisbon Download here. However, sophisticated users of Microsoft Office will be quick to point out features that are not available in the Mac versions.

And users of legacy practice management software may also find that a Mac is not an option. If those exceptions apply to you, then Windows will obviously be a better option. If not, then use what you want. For the record, I don’t think it matters at all whether you buy a Mac or a Windows PC. Both will allow you to practice law just fine.

And despite what some say, neither will make you a better lawyer. That said, I usually recommend Macs because they generally result in fewer headaches for lawyers who do their own tech support. And if your Mac breaks down, the nearest Apple Store is a pretty friendly place to get help. However, many complaints about Windows are overblown. Windows “just works” just fine if you. So let’s call it a wash.

If you are a long-time Windows user and you are perfectly happy with Windows, stick with it. If you are in love with Apple’s smooth aluminum slabs, get one. There is no objectively compelling reason to use one or the other.

Conversely, there is no compelling reason not to use one or the other. Use what you like. But whichever you choose, get decent hardware.

What About a Chromebook? (and Chromeboxes and Chromebases) run Google’s Chrome OS instead of Windows or MacOS. Chrome OS is similar to using the Chrome Browser. Not exactly, but close.

For lawyers, there are basically two use cases for Chrome OS: • You use the web for everything. All your files are in the cloud (probably Google Drive, OneDrive, Dropbox, or Box), and you use G Suite or the Office web apps for all your documents, email, calendar, etc. • You just need secure remote access to your computer, whether it is sitting in your office or in the cloud. If either of those use cases describes your need, Chrome OS has some real advantages.

This entry was posted on 5/16/2018.