Big Fish Audio Nashville Sessions Download Movies

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If you're a composer or producer looking for that authentic Nashville sound or a songwriter who needs some killer Country Western instrumental tracks for your demos, Nashville Sessions is just what you need. Inside you'll find 22 big construction kits plus over 140 extra loops and licks. Featured instruments include electric and acoustic guitars, drums, bass, pedal steel, fiddle, mandolin, and more - recorded by some of the most talented young session players in Nashville. These kits cover traditional and current Country and Western styles plus the most popularly-used Country and Western rhythms and chord progressions.
Nashville Sessions is an ideal way to add some country to your creations. Details: - 7.5 GB of total content (3GB of 24-bit WAV files) - 1,021 original files (duplicated into acidized WAV/Apple Loops/REX/RMX formats) - 22 Construction Kits in various keys and tempos ranging from 80bpm to 150bpm - 'Extras ' folder includes, 67 fiddles, 23 guitars, and 58 mandolin loops - Featured intstruments include electric and acoustic guitars, drums, bass, pedal steel, fiddle, mandolin, and more! Customers who bought discounted Big Fish Audio Nashville Sessions Multiformat (1 dvd) also purchased.