Gears Of War 3 Pepakura Files Database

Hey everyone. It's been ages. I guess I just lost interest after the virus/reboots etc. But I will be working on a Master Chief Variant for October, so where better to visit than 405th. I wish you all the best for the carmine build. Feel free to reference any material I have. I hope some of my pics can help.
I still hope to don my suit at later conventions and represent the Carmine that lived! All the best. Me at Cosplay Evolved 2012 Eb Expo (Second Place!) Gears of War Judgement community night with lead level designer Jim Brown. Eb Expo Derp Reporter (just kidding nice bloke!). Click to expand.Your point being? Your the one posting irrelevant bs while I'm trying to obtain quite possibly the last known source of any of these files so unless you can help out get out of this thread.
Just a side note but once I have the files I will be reuploading them for everyone. First file found is the standard COG Gear Helmet & Armor located on this page for anyone interested along with the lancer, gnasher, and snub. Anthony Carmines Helmet I found the mother-load Marcus, Anya, Onyx Guard, Ben/Anthony/Clay Carmine, Prescot, Dizzy, Baird, Dom, Onyx Guard. Gamecube Pokemon Xd Der Dunkel Sturm Download Music. Not every file is unfolded but for the most part what you need is there. Gears of War 3 Hammerburst More weapons/grenades.
Sep 04, 2015 Gears of War Home Page. Onyx Guard Pepakura. My full Onyx Guard costume but we're having problems finding the pepakura files for. Jan 01, 2017 A1TD: Gears Of War 3. The Bone Season Epub Gratis. I ave an archive of all the Gears PDO files I could find over the last 3. And I will keep updating The Gears of War Pepakura Database.