Harmonic Carbon Api Manual For Xml Explicit

Harmonic Carbon Api Manual For Xml Explicit

Page Contents • • • Default handlers For some XML node types, there is a default handler, which will handle the node if you haven't defined a handler for the node (i.e. If there is no user-defined directive available with name identical to the node name). Here are these node types, and what the default handler does: • Text node: prints the text as it.

Note, that in most applications, this will not be good for you, because you should escape the text before you send it to the output (with?html or?xml or?rtf.etc. Depends on the output format). • Processing instruction node: call handler called @pi if you have created such user-defined directive, otherwise do nothing (ignore the node).

• Comment node, document type node: Do nothing (ignore the node). • Document node: Call recurse, that is, visit all children of the document node. Element and attribute nodes will be handled according to the usual, XML independent mechanism. That is, @ node_type will be called as handler, and if that's not defined, then an error stops template processing. In the case of element nodes, this means that if you define a macro (or other kind of user-defined directive) called @element, that will catch all element nodes, which has no more specific handler. If you have no @element handler, then you must define a handler for all possible elements. Attribute nodes are not visited by the recurse directive, so you don't need to write handlers for them.

Visiting a single node With the you can visit a single node, instead of the children of the node:. This can be useful sometimes. XML namespaces We said that the name of the handler user-defined directive (like a macro) for an element is the name of the element. In fact, it is the full-qualified name of the element: prefix: elementName. The rules regarding the usage of prefix-es is the same as with imperative processing. Thus, the user-defined book directive handles only element book that does not belong to any XML namespace (unless you have specified a default XML namespace). So if the example XML would use XML namespace http://example.com/ebook.

Don’t miss Streaming Media East 2018 in NYC, May 8-9. Streaming Media Magazine. Or its XML-based API. Carbon Server costs $14,995 per server. The Java API for XML Processing interfaces enable you to plug in. On the XPath object you create using the. Used for functions with an explicit.

Previous: Up: Next: New in version 2.0. The xml.sax package provides a number of modules which implement the Simple API for XML (SAX) interface for Python. The package itself provides the SAX exceptions and the convenience functions which will be most used by users of the SAX API. The convenience functions are: make_parser( [ parser_list ] ) Create and return a SAX XMLReader object. The first parser found will be used.

If parser_list is provided, it must be a sequence of strings which name modules that have a function named create_parser(). Modules listed in parser_list will be used before modules in the default list of parsers. Parse( filename_or_stream, handler [, error_handler ] ) Create a SAX parser and use it to parse a document. The document, passed in as filename_or_stream, can be a filename or a file object. The handler parameter needs to be a SAX ContentHandler instance. If error_handler is given, it must be a SAX ErrorHandler instance; if omitted, SAXParseException will be raised on all errors. Turbo C Programming For The Pc By Robert Lafore Pdf Converter. There is no return value; all work must be done by the handler passed in.

ParseString( string, handler [, error_handler ] ) Similar to parse(), but parses from a buffer string received as a parameter. A typical SAX application uses three kinds of objects: readers, handlers and input sources. ``Reader' in this context is another term for parser, i.e. Some piece of code that reads the bytes or characters from the input source, and produces a sequence of events. The events then get distributed to the handler objects, i.e. The reader invokes a method on the handler. A SAX application must therefore obtain a reader object, create or open the input sources, create the handlers, and connect these objects all together. Download Video Naruto Episode 197 Bahasa Indonesia.

This entry was posted on 2/11/2018.