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Paper Submission Abstracts for possible paper presentation at IHTC-15 should be submitted on-line at the IHTC-15 web page. They will be reviewed at two steps guided by regional International Scientific Committee (ISC) members.

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Once an abstract has been accepted, the full-length manuscript will be requested by the due date. It is then reviewed by reviewers assigned by the regional ISC member.
The copyright transfer form is requested on acceptance of the full-length manuscript and prior to submittal of the final manuscript. For each accepted manuscript, at least one Regular registration is required to ensure that the manuscript appears in the conference proceedings. (See ') The accepted and presented manuscript will be archived in the newly established IHTC Digital Library after the conference (See '). List of region and regional ISC Begell House is the official publisher of IHTC-15 Speaker Information Thank you for your contribution to IHTC15.
We would like to ask you to update the speaker information of your paper. The speaker information will be uploaded also to the EventMobile (see Paper Submission ->). To apply the speaker information please follow the procedure bellow: i) Login to the IHTC online submission system ii) Move to the Author's page and select your papers. Iii) Select the 'Authors' tag.
Iv) You will find the 'Article Authors' column bellow. Please select the speaker who will present at the conference site among the authors, and be sure to press the 'Save' button. Please finish this process by June 30. We appreciate for your kind corporation. Full Manuscript Submission 1.
Deadline for Final Manuscript & Registration. The deadline for the final manuscript is May 31. How To Fit A Towbar To A Vs Commodore. Even if your manuscript is 'ACCEPTED (WITHOUT_CORRECTIONS)', please carefully check whether the manuscript is consistent with the prescribed template by the conference committee (For example, a title should be written in all capital letters). Also please double check your paper no. In the header. If such corrections exist, please correct the manuscript accordingly and submit the final version.
Backuptrans Android Whatsapp Transfer Crack Keys. One regular registration for each accepted paper needs to be completed by May 31 in order to have your paper published in the conference proceedings. ** Please note that your registration will be completed upon your competition of the PAYMENT. ** Visit the following link to access the site. Copyright Form.
Submission of electronic copyright form deadline is May 10. Submission of electronic copyright form deadline is May 10. If you have not submitted the Copyright form yet please submit it immediately. IHTC online submission system. Please submit your revised and final manuscripts via the IHTC online submission system.
You can reach the site by clicking the following button. Important Deadlines and Dates May 31, 2014 - Submission of final paper due May 31, 2014 - One regular registration for each accepted paper due Also visit the site for other information. If you have any question related to your manuscript and online submission system, please visit the or contact the following address. IHTC-15 paper submission desk Visas and Invitation Letters.
Please start your visa application process IMMEDEATELY if you require a visa to enter into Japan. If you require a letter of invitation, please fill the request form and submit it to the IHTC-15 Registration Desk. Visit the following link for further information - Online Submission System for full manuscript You can login to the online system by using the same login name and password registered when you have submitted your abstract. Please read the 'Instruction for Authors' carefully before uploading your full manuscript. Papers should be no more than 15 pages (including tables, figures and references) for contributed papers and no more than 20 pages for keynote papers. Very short papers and very long papers are discouraged.