Serge Nubret Workout Template Sheet

Serge Nubret Bench Press

Dell 1d3b Bios Password Keygen. Serge Nubret's Routine Did a quick search but apologies if this is already been discussed in another thread after his original thread This routine looks interesting and I would like to give it a go - couple of questions though: those who started it, how's your progress? Have you found you've lost fat as well? Are you doing 1 day a week or 2? I ask because I'm still somewhat skinny fat, although my bulk has gone well. I've been looking into high volume training and this routine looks good - but is it the exercises or the volume that makes it so effective (apparently)? The routine: Quads/Chest: Squat: 8x12 - 2 min max rest Leg press: 6x12 - 1min 30sec rest Leg Extensions: 6x12 - 1min rest Bench: 8x12 - 1min rest DB Fly: 6x12 - 1min rest Incline Bench: 6x12 - 1min rest Incline Fly: 6x12 - 1min rest Pullovers: 6x12 - 1min rest Back/Hamstrings Chin up: 6x12 - 1min rest Rear pulldown: 8x12 - 30sec rest front pulldown: 6x12 - 30sec rest BB Rows: 6x12 - 30sec rest Lying Leg curl: 8x15 - 1min rest standing leg curl: 6x12 - 1min rest Can't find the last sheet but it was arms/shoulders and calves Any advice on this routine?

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This entry was posted on 6/7/2018.