Through The Fire Sebastian Telfair Download Firefox

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Tags sebastian telfair documentary full movie through the fire documentary stream watch through the fire documentary through the fire full movie through the fire full. Feb 17, 2006 Director Jonathan Hock talks about his new documentary Through the Fire, which traces the rags-to-riches story of Portland Trailblazer Sebastian Telfair.
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ED GORDON, host: The new documentary Through the Fire traces basketball whiz, Sebastian Telfair's rags to riches career. The film follows Telfair from his days as a gifted leader of his championship high school team to a slot in the NBA. He fights a number of battles on his way to the top, but for filmmaker Jonathan Hock, the real draw of Telfair's story was not the young star's battles; it was Telfair's family. JONATHAN HOCK (Filmmaker): In particular, his oldest brother Jamel, who was a great player.
He went to Providence College for four years, led the Big East in scoring, and, you know, was supposed to be a top first round draft pick in the NBA; even took is his mom to see the house he was going to buy her, and the whole dream was going to come true. And the family all sat around watching the NBA draft, and his name never got called. Now, here you have Sebastian Telfair, who is this phenom with the responsibility of putting his family's broken heart back together; and that's what made it a movie.
(Soundbite of movie Through the Fire) Mr. SEBASTIAN TELFAIR (Basketball player): My mother helped keep me level-headed. She would smile about it, but she was like, you know, it's really not nothing until you make it. Because she seen what happened to my brother. My brother had one foot inside the door, then they snatched his dream from him. My brother, you know--being a poor family--my brother had the chance to go into the NBA. So she was excited about that, you know.
And then when it didn't happen, it shattered a lot of dreams within my household. GORDON: But Sebastian as a young man truly took the idea that I'm going to make it for the family on. How much pressure did it put on him? HOCK: Well, I think it was a tremendous amount of pressure. When he was in the sixth grade, he was written up in a magazine as the best 10-year old basketball player in the country. But what he's seeing in his head the whole time is Jamel and the draft night when you don't get picked. And as the fear of that repeating itself built, with the expectations of the family and the community building, there's just an extraordinary amount of pressure.