Transformer 1 In Hindi In Small Size
Running time 143 minutes Country United States Language English Budget $150 million Box office $709.7 million Transformers is a 2007 American based on the created. The film, which combines with filming, was directed by, with serving as executive producer. It was produced by and, and is the first installment in the live-action. The film stars as, a teenager who gets caught up in a war between the heroic and the villainous, two factions of alien robots who can disguise themselves by transforming into everyday machinery, primarily. The Autobots intend to use the, the object that created their robotic race, to rebuild their home planet Cybertron and end the war, while the Decepticons have the intention of using it to build an army by giving life to the machines of Earth.,,,,,, and also star, while voice actors and voice and respectively. Murphy and DeSanto developed the project in 2003, and DeSanto wrote a. Steven Spielberg came on board the following year, hiring and to write the screenplay.

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The and (GM) loaned vehicles and aircraft during filming, which saved money for the production and added realism to the battle scenes. Hasbro's promotional campaign for the film included deals with various companies; advertising included a campaign, coordinated releases of,, and books, as well as deals with companies such as,, and. Transformers received mixed to positive reviews from critics and fans. It is the and was the, grossing $709 million worldwide, with an estimated 46 million tickets sold in the US.
Daniel Johnston Respect Zip. The film won four awards from the and was nominated for three, for,, and. LaBeouf's performance was praised by, and Cullen's reprisal of Optimus Prime from the was well received by fans.
It was soon followed by four and a prequel: (2009), (2011), and (2014), the later two of which grossed $1 billion. A fifth installment, titled, was released on June 21, 2017, with serving as both a spin-off and aforementioned prequel to the film will release on December 21, 2018. Contents • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Plot Several thousand years ago, the planet was consumed by a between the two factions, the led by and the led. Optimus jettisoned the, a mystical artifact that brings life to the planet, into space, but Megatron pursued it.
Megatron crashed in the and froze, and was discovered in 1895 by explorer Archibald Witwicky. Witwicky inadvertently activated Megatron’s navigational system, which etched the AllSpark’s coordinates into his glasses. The glasses end up in the possession of his great-great-grandson. In the present, Sam buys his first car, a rusting, but discovers it has a life of its own. In modern, attacks and destroys a United States military base in a failed attempt to hack the military network to find information on Megatron and the AllSpark.